I received my pepper cannon about 4 weeks ago. No question, it churns out pepper far, far better than any peppermill I've had in the past. At an average coarse grind, however, it does get difficult to turn the cap, especially if your hands are slightly wet (as always during cooking). I think the burrs really aren't as deep as they could be, a minor flaw but since coarse is where I do most of my grinding... About 8 or 10 days ago I received an email advertising a larger sized cannon, with a larger top that is interchangeable with newer standard cannons, which would solve the grip problem. I sent an email to customer service asking about this and heard nothing back. A week later (2 days ago) I sent it again, and I got back as message that when they were available I could purchase the larger mill for $250. So it didn't even bother addressing my question, even though the subject of the message was "peppermill top," I guess it wasn't clear enough. So based on these two issues I don't think I could strongly recommend this grinder, I know there are other premium grinders out there, and if I were shopping now with this knowledge I would look somewhere else.